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The "zazen futon" used by Zen monks 1200 years ago

Twelve hundred years ago, the circular cushions used by Zen monks for zazen were called "Futon".
The origin of ZAF can be found in a poem by the Tang Dynasty poet "Gu Kuang".

"Lodgings at Lake Biwangshan Temple"
The river is murmuring with rain, and under the pines are mating white cranes.
The scent of pine and cypress permeates the air.
A Zen monk sits on a "futon", creating a breeze.
The fisherman falls into the river, looking up at the moon.
Who would realize that life and death are the same?
An old Zen teaching has come down to me.

A perfect product of Zen by an unknown author.

It is said that the zazen cushion took its present form in the Edo period.

The design is monotone and refined with no waste.
The folds on the sides widen to assist the pelvic angle, which varies from person to person, with ergonomic functionality.

It is unclear who designed the product.
For many years, it has been supporting monks in their zazen in the shadows.


Kapok cotton and traditional methods

For a long time, kapok cotton has been used as the filling material.
Kapok cotton is an environmentally friendly material that does not require the cutting down of trees.
Because of its natural insect repellent properties, it was favored by temples in the past where insects often came and went.

There is one unstitched area on the side of the zazen cushion, and the cushion is still made using the traditional method of hand-stuffing with panya cotton.

The hand-stuffing technique by skilled craftsmen results in a unique texture that firmly supports the human pelvis.

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